Next.js Material UI Template

A template of Next.js with Material UI, developed by Quicksilver0218.

Next.js Version: 15.2.1


Some backend and frontend features of Next.js and this template are listed below.

TypeScript Ready

This project is developed with TypeScript.

Server-side Rendering

This page is rendered at the server side. You can see all the content in the first response.

SASS and SCSS Ready

Both SASS and SCSS are supported.

SCSS is used to style this text.

Sub-path routing is used for i18n. A redirection will be given to every page request with an URL without locale.
The below message is displayed with translation:

Hello World!
Global State Management System

Redux is NOT included in this project. Instead, React hooks are used. Below is an example:

Accumulator: 0
Change Count: 0

You can see the debug logging in the console if the server is not run with NODE_ENV=production. Please note that the reducer will be called twice for each action in non-production mode.

Server-side Form Validation

Object-Validator is used for form validation.
Here is a sample form with 2-side input validation.

Client-side ValidationServer-side Validation
Material UI Ready

Material UI is included as a UI component library.

If you do not need Material UI, you can make the changes below.

YAML Ready

yaml-loader is used to parse YAML files. If you do not use YAML, you can make the changes below.

Compilers, Libraries and Frameworks

The compilers, libraries and frameworks used are mentioned above. Here it is a summary.

Input Validation
Data Interchange

Directory Structure

All the default directories from Next.js are kept. The /src directory and split project files by feature or route approaches with App Router are used. Extra directories are listed below:


Contains common React components for using in different pages.


A route group for all pages. Other route groups (e.g. (api)) can be added under src/app.


Contains translated text of different locales. Please see Internationalization.


Contains custom code for global use.


Contains global state management related code with Redux design pattern. You may customize state, actions and reducers respectively in index.ts, action and reducer.ts. Please note that it is not Redux.

Coding Styles and Naming Conventions

These coding styles and naming conventions are recommended in the projects, but you are free to ignore some or all of them for your convenience. However, you should keep the coding styles and naming conventions consistent in the whole project.

File Name
  1. Use Pascal case for React component files except pages so that they can be consistent with Material UI. e.g. SampleForm.tsx.
  2. Use hyphen delimited strings with lower case for other files. e.g. sample-form-handler.ts.
  1. Use 2 or 4 spaces indentation. The number of spaces of an indentation level should be consistent within the same file.
  2. Add an empty line between classes or functions on declaration.
  3. Place { at the same line of classes or functions on declaration, and add 1 space in front of them. e.g.
    use class A { instead of class A{ or
    class A
  4. Add 1 space in front of ( in the condition expression of flow controls. e.g. use if (a === b) instead of if(a === b).
  5. Add 1 space behind : and , if there are no line breaks or spaces at that place.
JavaScript / TypeScript

You should know the coding conventions of JavaScript and TypeScript before considering these rules. Also, please use TypeScript instead of JavaScript as much as possible to take the advantages of compile-time type checking.

  1. Add 1 space on each side of assignment operators (e.g. =, +=, -= etc.) and => if there are no line breaks or spaces at that place.
Class Name
  1. Use property-value syntax for utility classes. e.g. px-2 for the style padding x = 2 units.
  2. Use size:property-value syntax for responsive layouts. e.g. md:px-2.
  3. Use Subject-variant syntax for element classes. e.g. List-dark contains properties of a list with dark theme, and List-light contains that with light theme. Common properties are included in List. Then the element may look like <div class="List List-dark"></div>.
  4. If the properties can be changed, avoid adding them to the class name. e.g. consider using Text-highlight instead of Text-background-yellow, except it always has and only has the yellow background property.
  5. Use Parent-Child syntax for element classes. e.g. Nav-Item.
  6. Use Pascal case and camel case for multiple-word terms. e.g. NestedList-Item-light, text-bluishGreen.
Function and Mixin Name
  1. Use hyphen delimited strings with lower case. e.g. @function text-stroke().
React Component
  1. Use functional components instead of class components to take the advantages of Hooks and make the code clearer.
Element Class Name Attribute
  1. Use the bracket notation instead of the dot notation for accessing classes in imported CSS modules. e.g. use styles["class"] instead of styles.class. If the class name contains -, only the bracket notation is available. So, always use the bracket notation for consistency.
  2. Use array with join() to handle elements with multiple classes. e.g. use className={["global-class-1 global-class-2", styles["module-class-1"], styles["module-class-2"]].join(" ")} instead of className={"global-class-1 global-class-2 " + styles["module-class-1"] + " " + styles["module-class-2"]}.

Copyright © 2025 Quicksilver0218.
Licensed under the MIT License.